We believe that everyone has an important role to play in creating equality and security for women and girls, making our communities stronger and more vibrant for all. You can make a difference. Philanthropy begins with the desire to make a change. We have many Giving Options to choose from and all can make a huge impact.
Leave your legacy. Planned Giving is a simple and effective way to make a lasting impact on women and girls in Chester County. You have many options available to you in making your estate plans such as bequests, life insurance, annuities or other planned giving vehicles.
You don’t need a large estate to make a significant gift. You can leverage your dollars today for a larger gift. To learn more about Planned Giving options available to you, contact our Development Office at or 484-356-0940.
There are many opportunities for you to help us support individuals and organizations around a shared commitment to the well-being and self-determination of women and girls.
With your generous support, together, we will build a future where women and girls have equality and security, making our communities stronger and more vibrant for everyone.
To donate, text DONATE to 484-839-0633. For more information on how to support our mission, contact Dana Wiley, Development Director at or 484-356-0940.