The health and well-being of women and girls is central to our mission, but we can’t do it alone. If you want to actively make a difference in the lives of your neighbors in Chester County, we have many volunteer opportunities for you to get involved.
CCFWG Committees
Grants Policy Committee
The Grants Policy Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, serves to set grants policies and guidelines, and oversees grants programs that include the Grants Allocation Committee (GAC) and Girls Advisory Board (GAB).
Grants Allocation Committee
The Grants Allocation Committee (GAC) is an excellent point of entry for new volunteers wishing to gain an in-depth understanding of needs within the county and willing to commit substantial time to their volunteer efforts. CCFWG’s grantmaking program is unique in that decisions are made by a group of diverse individuals connected to Chester County. Since most of its 18-20 participants are new to the work of CCFWG, they receive training for evaluating proposals and participating on site visits. After thoughtful consideration, the informed group then makes final funding decisions by consensus. Granting decisions differ every year. However, the recurring critical needs addressed include safe housing, job training, pre-natal health and infant care, domestic violence, food security, and education among others. GAC is not accepting new members at this time. However, if you wish to receive more information or be considered in the future, contact Executive Director Michelle Legaspi Sanchez at
Girls' Programming Committee
CCFWG’s Girls Advisory Board (GAB) program, started in 2005, has empowered high school girls in Chester County to distribute nearly $200,000 to programs that improve the lives of other young women. The in-depth and life-changing experiences of our high-school age participants are remarkable. As they engage in strategic grantmaking, the girls learn about the deep and varied needs in their communities. They learn to express their opinions, respectfully debate, build consensus and make decisions. As a result of this intensive program, our participants build a life-long network of women helping women, and nearly all resolve to engage in service beyond GAB. GirlGov Chester County is a civic engagement program that provides local high school girls with an opportunity to learn firsthand about civics, government, advocacy, policy and leadership. Members work with peers to develop and lead advocacy campaigns, meet local and state elected officials, get to know influential women in the communit, and take a culminating advocacy trip to Harrisburg to meet with legislators about issues that matter to them. Applications for both programs open in May, with interviews taking place throughout the early summer months. Adult volunteers make up the Girls’ Programming Committee and help plan and support GAB and GirlGov Chester County activities such as conducting interviews, attending GAB site visits with the girls, hosting GAB meetings and providing food. GAB runs from September–February, and GirlGov Chester County runs through June. To learn more about GAB or GirlGov Chester County, visit
Development Committee
CCFWG’s Development Committee works to increase and diversify funding from individuals, foundations, corporations and events for our grantmaking, education programs, operations and endowed funds. Its goal is to provide continued growth and financial stability for CCFWG’s work, while remaining true to our values and approach to relationship building. The committee is under the direction of the Board of Directors and meets every other month. Most, but not all, on this committee have previous volunteer experience with CCFWG. All members serve as ambassadors for CCFWG in the larger community and support development activities such as assistance with appeals, note writing, making thank you calls, and helping with the annual Making a Difference Luncheon. To participate, contact Michelle Legaspi Sanchez at
Making a Difference Luncheon Committee
The Making a Difference Luncheon Committee helps plan and implement CCFWG’s signature fundraising event that takes place each spring and attracts a sold-out crowd of more than 300 business friends, generous individuals, and community leaders. Beginning in the late fall, volunteers on this committee help with invitations, raffle and silent auction planning, décor and sponsorship acquisition. There are also many roles to fill on the day of this event. With fewer physical meetings, this committee has a more flexible time commitment and is a fun opportunity to meet other interesting women working to build resources for CCFWG. Proceeds for the event fuel CCFWG’s robust grantmaking program. Contact Michelle Legaspi Sanchez at to get involved.
Education Committee
The goal of the Education Committee is to raise awareness of issues impacting women and girls by providing programming and information to individuals and non-profits in the community. Various events – ranging from film screenings to expert panels – are aimed at engaging Chester County residents in serious issues facing our communities. Members discuss and plan events and partnerships with local organizations to give voice to the needs of women and girls in the county. Participants who are well versed in programming, marketing and partnerships are ideal candidates. Contact Michelle Legaspi Sanchez at to get involved.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee serves as a major resource to the Board of Directors on financial matters of CCFWG. They ensure the assets of CCFWG are managed in accordance with approved policies. This committee, made up of 8-10 members, is responsible for reviewing financial statements and budgets prepared by the Executive Director, Director of Operations, and financial consultants. They must review the annual budget prepared by staff and recommend approval to the Board of Directors. The committee works with staff to ensure that strong financial internal controls exist for the organization. The committee is also responsible for overseeing and reviewing the annual audit prior to it being submitted to the Board of Directors. Participants on the Finance Committee are asked to attend four meetings each year, as the committee meets quarterly.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee serves as a resource to the Board of Directors on investment/endowment matters of CCFWG. They ensure that the investments of CCFWG are managed in accordance with approved policies. This committee is responsible for reviewing investment summaries prepared by the endowment fund manager. Participants on the Finance Committee are asked to attend four morning meetings each year, as the committee meets quarterly. The Investment Committee is open to new volunteers wanting to help ensure the long-term financial stability of CCFWG.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee provides oversight for the recruitment and effective performance of the Board of Directors and the development of committees. Members are given the task of analyzing the current Board of Directors and committee profiles. The committee identifies areas of strength and weakness, and considers technical skills and personal talents needed to complement Board diversity. They maintain a continuous list of potential Board and committee members, and prepare a slate of candidates for nomination. Additional roles of the Governance Committee include assuring an orientation process for new Board members, as well as ensuring annual Board performance evaluations.
Contact us to learn more about fulfilling and meaningful volunteer opportunities with CCFWG!